AES Group Partners with the World’s Most Recognized Security Technology Leaders
Our Partners
Gallagher was established, more than 80 years ago, in Hamilton, New Zealand. They are now a trusted, global Security Technology Leaders with over 13,000 customers, protecting 138 countries. Their Command Center (CC) Access Control and Alarm Monitoring System is based on a powerful security system platform. Integrating access control and intruder alarm management into a fully scalable user interface.
The Gallagher command center acts as a Site’s Security Management System. Integrating other technologies, including access control, alarm monitoring, intruder detection, video surveillance, perimeter protection, Building Automation, lifts, fire and other site systems.

Senstar products have been protecting critical assets around the world, for over 40 years. Security Technology Leaders with intelligent video management, video analytics, access control, and innovative perimeter intrusion detection systems, Senstar offers a comprehensive suite of proven, integrated technologies.
Senstar Symphony is an open IP video management system video, security and data intelligence platform that integrates IP video surveillance, access control, and perimeter intrusion detection. A fence-mounted and buried cable system for sites of all sizes and types that detects and locates intruders at fence lines before they get inside properties.
Cognyte (Formerly Verint)
Security Technology Leaders in video management and investigative analytics software. Over 1,000 government and enterprise customers in more than 100 countries rely on Cognyte’s solutions to identify, neutralize and tackle threats to protect their facilities.
Symphia (Formerly Verint) Video Management Software (VMS) and Symphia One fuse inputs from multiple security Systems. Aswel as from thousands of cameras and sensors for a comprehensive view across a facility’s entire operation. Through AI and predictive analytics, Symphia VMS and Symphia One anticipate threats in real-time and prevent damage to valuable assets.

Founded in 1998, Milestone Systems is a stand-alone, global Security Technology Leaders in the Canon Group, developing open platform IP video management software. They provide IP technology that helps organizations manage risks, protect people and corporate assets, optimize processes, reduce costs, and increase business efficiency.
Milestone develops software in open platform community, driving collaboration and innovation to develop network video software technology that improves business by managing and distributing digital video data at any time for any location. Its reliable and scalable video technology solutions currently provide proven, flexible choices in network hardware and integrations with other systems for over 150,000 global sites in more than 100 countries.
Axis Communications
An industry Security Technology Leaders in Video Surveillance, established almost 40 years ago, in Lund, Sweden, launching the world’s first IP network camera in 1996. They now have more than 4,000 employees in over 50 worldwide locations.
Axis provides network-based solutions for video surveillance, intercom, and audio systems, supported by advanced video management and intelligent analytics applications, including Senstar Symphony, Cognyte Symphia and Symphia One.

One of the world’s Security Technology Leaders, specialists in entrance control solutions, manufacturing fast, reliable entrance gates, security gates, barriers that protect facilities while optimizing the flow of people.
Interior and exterior turnstiles that range from simple tripod turnstiles, entrance gates, full-height turnstiles to advanced speed gates and revolving security doors for a wide range of applications.
The Security Technology Leaders specialist in systems for long-range identification, wireless vehicle detection and city access control, immediately Identifying people and their vehicles that are accessing buildings, driving into secured perimeters or looking for a parking bay, securing the flow of vehicles and people.
AVI readers and tags for long-range identification of drivers and their vehicles, at distances of up to 10 meters (33 feet) away.

HiKvision offers comprehensive solution options to facilitate the digital transformation process, including video security and extending to AioT-powered applications. Their solutions are designed to provide all-inclusive, end-to-end capabilities for all vertical sectors.
HiKvision are also Security Technology Leaders and provides a wide array of IP products, including Video Management Software, Network Video Recorders (NVRs), PTZ dome cameras, panoramic cameras, and a variety of network transmission equipment and accessories.
Recognized as the security industry’s original developer and global leading provider of electronic key control, key management, and asset management solutions. All of their products are 100% manufactured in the USA.
Their newest and most flexible model, the KeyWatcher Touch modular, and expandable design allows configuring exact components needed, such as key card modules or storage lockers for personal assets. The KeyWatcher Touch integrates with many access control systems brands, including Gallagher.

Its operations are in over 70 countries, specializing in access essentials, including mechanical and digital locks, cylinders, keys, tags, security doors and automated entrances.
eCLIQ is a cost effective, purely electronic, keying system that provides electronic access control without wiring and retrofits into existing doors and locks via eCLIQ cylinders. It can also incorporate electronic features, including programmable access rights, time scheduling, audit trails, and the risk of losing keys.
Sargent electric mortise locks are designed and constructed with high quality components to provide maximum security, performance and durability for all commercial installations. These locks fully integrate with any access control system, providing both fail-safe and fail-secure modes.
Based in Pasadena, Calif., Kinemetrics is the global leader in providing innovative seismic and structural monitoring solutions and equipment including digitizers, data recorders, accelerographs, accelerometers, broadband, and seismic sensors.
They provide real-time monitoring software including Oasis structural monitoring and Antelope Seismic Monitoring software for full integration of their equipment. Their solutions enable business and operational continuity and protect human lives, capital assets, and critical infrastructure investments. Kinemetrics serves clients worldwide.
Quanergy is the global leader in LIDAR 3D sensing technology and one of the first companies to pioneer 3D LiDAR for commercialization and protecting critical infrastructure and businesses globally.
The Quanergy M8 sensors coupled with their AI software accurately detect, track, and classify intruders and have full integration with leading VMS and PTZ camera systems to precisely pinpoint threats, reduce false alarms, and optimize facility security. Solutions include perimeter intruder detection, access control, and surveillance.